เขียนไรดี ขำๆ 5555+

วันเสาร์ที่ 27 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

Reflection and Learning Experience

Nowadays for our daily routine english language is very important for us. At that time I was in the high school , english language was not so important for me, until I am now studying in the University, it makes me know that english very important. Actually I am not passionate about english and I really do not like it also, but after I am now in the University, I have accepted ,although I know that very difficult to reach it.

I have studied after the university the first english sujbect LNG 101, I felt very boring and the image of english for me became worse, in the class I was always sleepy and I have been always very late to the class. until now I have found the LNG 102 subject, for the frist time of this subject I hed the same image for english, difficult boring etc. after 1 hour to this subject, I have felt the pleasantness of our teacher he has taught us very flimsy and he has really taught from her heart. The ambiance between the LNG 101 and LNG 102 is really different ,LNG 102 make me enjoy , fun and pleased. As I sew my teacher , he has taught us very happily and that why I could have more concentaration for it. The staffs, that he has brought for english lerning were really interesting and I got alot of knowlede from them. I like when I heard the english songs, sew the english funny clip and wrote the Blogger , which I can train my english and I am not shame to read english anymore. LNG 102 has taught me how to confront with english and now I like to read english and in my freetime I always read it aloud.

And now I just want to say that LNG 102 has changed me alot. I am not shame anymore to read english ,I dare to corfront with it and it makes me to have a good vision to lern english, althoungh the LNG 102 course is already closed, but it is always remembered in my mind I have to thank you teacher Arty.

วันเสาร์ที่ 13 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553


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ไปมาแล้วไม่เชื่อดูรูป 5555+

Back to 1th Febuary

Today we learned, how to writ Note-taking and summary Writing, I though , it was vary useful for us to develope our english ability and we could do the examination faster.

Back to 27th january

Today I hed to present about "Active-Passive voice" and on the end we hed to do some test
"Oh my god" I was not ready for this. The test consisted with two stories about "Volcanoes and
van gogh" how was the result ? please don't ask me.

Back to 25th january

we got our disbursement abot "Green tea can protect Cancer" back and we got pretty good score 9 points but please don't ask me how many were full points for this 20 points full, what a shame of us. After that we have watched youtube, there was a boy, who was dancing like he was thrown with hot water, really funny.

Back to 20th january

Today we have started the day very hard. we hed to write some sentences about the comment to our teacher. I was stay sitting for a while because I could not get it , but finally I have it done as I could.

I have compared my teacher like my parents, sun, moon but I didn't know that I really got the rigth sentences. after that my friend have presented about "Verb" and he told us before, if we would like to undersatand, what he just presented, we had to look into dictionary but we could not write he examination, sounded really streng.

Back to 18th january

Today was really great day, our english teacher has gave us the disbursement, which we wanted to present in a Group, each group consisted with 4 people, we did it for the whole hour.

In our group there were me, glauy, nat and art and finally we have found the issue for our disbursement "Green tea can protect Cancer" and we hed it done